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Introducing the National Integrity Framework

Some members and followers may have heard about the implementation of the National Integrity Framework (NIF) by the Australian Sporting Alliance for People with a Disability (ASAPD), but many may still be wondering what exactly the NIF entails and why it holds significance, not just for our organisation, but also for the broader sporting community in Australia.

The NIF is a suite of policies that establish consistent rules for all individuals in the Australian sporting community – including athletes, coaches, volunteers, staff, and board members – to follow regarding their conduct and behaviour in sport. ASAPD is just one of the many National Sporting Organisations (NSOs) or National Sporting Organisations for people with Disability (NSODs) to have adopted and implemented the NIF in an effort to standardise acceptable behaviour in sport, making it safer, fairer, and more inclusive for all participants.

Where did the NIF originate?

The NIF emerged as a response to both local and global threats to the safety and integrity of sport in Australia, as highlighted in the 2018 Report of the Review of Australia’s Sports Integrity Arrangements  (the Wood Review). The Wood Review covered five key themes and made 52 recommendations. The five themes were: 


  1. A stronger response to match-fixing 
  2. Regulation of gambling and sports wagering 
  3. Enhancing Australia’s anti-doping capability
  4. The development of a National Sports Tribunal 
  5. The development of a National Sports Integrity Commission 

A year before the Wood Review, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse conducted another review, focussing on concerning conduct in Australia more broadly. Although the Royal Commission examined institutions across the nation, Volume 14 of its report revealed the ongoing necessity to safeguard children and young people from abuse within the sporting environment and other community institutions. 

What are the NIF Policies that I need to be aware of? 

The NIF comprises five policies – four core policies – and one policy that underpins the other four. 

The four core policies – each with an explainer video link for more information – are: 

1. Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy

2. Member Protection Policy

3. Competition Manipulation and Sports Gambling Policy

4. Improper Use of Drugs and Medicines Policy​

Each of the above policies defines what is known as ‘Prohibited Conduct’ – actions or behaviour which are unacceptable to us at ASAPD.

The Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy is the policy that underpins the core policies of the NIF. The purpose of this policy is to hold individuals or sporting organisations accountable for their misconduct or wrongdoing and explains how they will be held accountable for their actions.

I think a Policy has been breached – who do I raise it with?  

For serious types of misbehaviours, there is an independent complaint handling body called Sport Integrity Australia (SIA). Complaints that should be made to SIA are concerns regarding breaches of the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy or complaints about discrimination. For complaints related to these matters, you can follow this link. Only matters that have occurred after we signed the NIF on 19 September 2023 can be reported to SIA.

Matters that do not involve safeguarding concerns or discrimination, or occurred prior to us signing the NIF, should be reported to us at ASAPD. Our contact details are  

To break it down, we have compiled a list below:

Complaints to SIA
Complaints to us
  • Misconduct with a child or young person • Sexual behaviour with or around a child or young person
  • Shaming, humiliating, intimidating or belittling a child or young person
  • Causing a child or young person physical pain or discomfort
  • Breaching the Child/Young Person Safe Practices
  • Supplying of drugs or alcohol to a child or young person
  • Discrimination based on: – race or ethnicity – age – disability – sex or sexual orientation – religion
  • Doping (managed under the sport’s Anti-Doping Policy)
  • Abuse, bullying or harassment between adults
  • Victimisation of an adult
  • Sexual Misconduct between adults
  • Match, race or competition fixing and other types of Competition Manipulation
  • Supplying inside information for the purposes of gambling
  • Betting by members on their own sport
  • Unlawful use or provision of over the counter or prescription drugs or supplements
  • Use, possession or trafficking of illegal drugs
  • Concealing information about Prohibited Conduct
  • Selection and eligibility disputes
  • Competition Rules disputes
  • Code of Conduct breaches
  • Social Media Policy breaches
  • Governance misconduct
  • Employment disputes
  • Complaints that are solely a Personal Grievance
  • Whistleblower disclosures
  • Any conduct that occurred before your sports commencement date
  • Any other policies that your sport has

If you are still unsure whether to make a complaint to Sport Integrity Australia or us, you can call SIA at 1300 027 232, and they will be able to provide you with further guidance on which is the most appropriate body to make your complaint to.  

Keeping Australian sport safe

Throughout this year, we will be providing information and education on various NIF policies and areas of concern through newsletters and our social media channels. We hope you will follow this campaign to help make our sporting organisation as safe as possible.  

Additionally, Sport Integrity Australia has created a series of free e-learning short courses on each of the topics, which can be completed at your own pace and accessed by registering here. These courses offer excellent professional development opportunities for athletes, coaches, volunteers, and staff alike. While we do not mandate these courses for every participant in our organisation, completing them is a meaningful way to demonstrate our commitment to keeping our community safe and contributing to the safety of the broader Australian sporting. It’s time to replace the old maxim ‘knowledge is power’ with the new idea that ‘knowledge is empowering’.

If you are interested in connecting with our Integrity team, have questions or wish to explore opportunities for collaboration, please feel free to reach out to

We believe in the power of collaboration and welcome your engagement as we work together to create positive change.